Saturday, April 14, 2012

Minimum Wage

The minimum wages in Minnesota are for the hourly worker over the age of 15, are stated below.

Large Business: $6.15 an hour
Small Business: $5.25 an hour
Training Wage: $4.90 an hour


Here are some things I spend money on:
Food, Candy, Toys, Arrows, Drawing utensils, and Things for cooking. What do you spend money on?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Healthcare Bill

There is a bill that is at the supreme court that is being debated whether it should be a law or not. This bill is about healthcare, and how everyone needs to have it and that we all would have to pay the same amount for it. I don't think the bill should be passed because you can't force people to buy something. I mean, there are people in the US that can't afford that anyway. If you have a different opinion, please comment below.